Inspired by the legendary film "The Five Obstructions" by Jørgen Leth and Lars Von Trier, this work employs the "Found footage" style to explore the concept of human perfection from a wholly unique perspective. The voice, altered and estranged, becomes a dissonant dialogue superimposed on equally disturbing and distorted images. The contrast between traditional standards of perfection and material from the experimental short film "La Opera del Mondongo" by Luis Ernesto Arocha, as well as documentaries about the Kogui indigenous people of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in the Colombian Caribbean, raises unsettling questions: What does it truly mean to be a perfect human? How many visions of perfection coexist in such a diverse world?
Project Type: Experimental
Aspect Ratio: 1:1.85
Shooting format: ​Digital 2K 
Movie length: 1 minute 18 seconds
​Director & Producer: Alberto de la Espriella
​Analog Intervention: Danny Seymour

-Festival Internacional Cine a la Calle (FICICA) 2024 (Nominated to Best Regional Short Film) / Barranquilla, Colombia
- VI MICMX International Film Festival / Mexico City, Mexico

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