Miguel, a traditional indigenous healer, and Jose, a poet to whom the stories of his Mokaná ancestors are revealed in his dreams, lead the pilgrimage to the sacred site of Kamaashjorhu during a full moon ceremony. At this site, there is a carved stone that holds the secrets and memories of the community, on which members of the ethnic group perform rituals. In the midst of the ritual trance, Miguel connects with elder shamans, who provide him with key visions for the future understanding and preservation of the community's mythical past..

Project Type: Documentary
Aspect Ratio: 1:1.85
Shooting format: ​16mm, Super 8
Lenses: Kern Paillard Vario Switar 18-86mm
Movie length: 17 minutes
​Director: Alberto de la Espriella & Daniel Martinez
​Producer: Estuario Cine

in Post-Production​​​​​​​
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